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Fwd: Roundup Top 10

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From: HNN <newsletter@historynewsnetwork.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Roundup Top 10
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

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Mayday Korea! (Part 1)

by William R. Polk
America is on the brink of nuclear war.

Ken Burns's War Stories

by Bob Buzzanco
He's more storyteller than historian and that weakens his series considerably.

The Media's Silence on Climate Change During Irma Was Deafening

by Frank Palmeri
They are doing the oil corporations' work by harping on the industry's publicity campaign of doubt.

What Historians Are Saying About the New Vietnam War Documentary by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick

The 10 part documentary is being broadcast on PBS.

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Video of the Week

An interview with the photographer who took the picture of the Sharpeville massacre that changed history

Sixty-nine men, women and children died and at least 180 were injured when police fired at a crowd of protestors in a township in South Africa.
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The Do's & Don'ts of Peace Negotiation

Norwich University's guide to understanding when peace negotiations succeed.
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Roundup Top 10
HNN Tip: You can read more about topics in which you're interested by clicking on the tags featured directly underneath the title of any article you click on.

There are women who back the KKK and Neo-Nazis, too

by Arica L. Coleman
Blaming 'Bad Dudes' Masks the Role of Women in the History of White Nationalism

America has forgotten the value of the humanities at the moment it needs them most

by Katherine Pickering Antonova
The challenges this country faces are a direct result of abandoning the humanities — and only the humanities can help us solve them.

The Worst 1st Year of Foreign Policy Ever

by Melvyn P. Leffler
Most presidents struggle in their first year as commander in chief. But Donald Trump got tired of winning before he started.

Mark Lilla Is Getting Identity Politics All Wrong

by Joshua Zeitz
Appealing to voters' tribal instincts is a time-honored American tradition. Because it works.

The Making and the Breaking of the Legend of Robert E. Lee

by Eric Foner
Whatever the fate of his statues and memorials, so long as the legacy of slavery continues to bedevil American society, it seems unlikely that historians will return Lee, metaphorically speaking, to his pedestal.

America Wasn't Built for Humans

by Andrew Sullivan
Tribalism was an urge our Founding Fathers assumed we could overcome. And so it has become our greatest vulnerability.

James Burnham mutated from firebrand revolutionary to National Review co-editor

by Alan Wald
Today he is getting a second life all over the conservative press.

All-or-nothing politics belittles us all

by Jonathan Zimmerman
Its hallmarks are the complete denigration of your foes and a refusal to give any ground even when confronted by facts that don't fit your point of view.

Is Diversity Tearing the United States Apart?

by Victor Davis Hanson
If America's set of values becomes a pick-and-choose potpourri, there is no unity. And then America will certainly become yet another one of history's casualties of diversity.

The United States Was Responsible for the 1982 Massacre of Palestinians in Beirut

by Rashid Khalidi
Washington had explicitly guaranteed their safety—and recently declassified documents reveal that US diplomats were told by the Israelis what they and their allies might be up to.

How the Vietnam War Broke the American Presidency

by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
The war opened the credibility gap. What we've learned since has only widened it.

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Breaking News
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Battle Over Confederate Monuments Moves to the Cemeteries

Calls to remove cemetery monuments are raising questions. Are such monuments really on public display? Should they be treated like the ones in public squares?

German WW1 U-boat found off Belgian coast

The vessel is thought to have been sunk by a mine.

$35 million Book of Mormon manuscript sale called the 'biggest game-changer in Mormon history'

It was sold to the LDS church by the break-off sect, the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

159 scholars at Harvard sign petition reprimanding the school for rejections of Chelsea Manning and Michelle Jones

by Joyce E. Chaplin, Jason Beckfield and Khalil Gibran Muhammad
"We Are Educators, Not Prosecutors"

Fact Check: Steve Bannon's Bad History

by Douglas A. Irwin
Immigration and rapid industrialization—not tariffs—made the 19th-century economy great.

The Story Behind the Truman Quote in President Trump's U.N. Speech

Though Trump used Truman's words to make a nationalism-friendly case that the organization benefits when individual member states look out for themselves, he hasn't always been supportive of the United Nations.

As Trump Declares Missing in Action Recognition Day, How Many Service Members Are Missing?

More than 80,000 U.S. military members remain missing in action, according to the Department of Defense's POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), which formed in 2015 following the merger of previous departmental efforts to do such accounting.

The 'nation's report card' says it assesses critical thinking in history

But NAEP gets an F on that score says Sam Wineburg.

A 'Quest for Justice' for Murdered Civil Rights Pioneer, 52 Years Later

Who killed Alberta Jones, Louisville's first black prosecutor, in 1965? Prodded by a professor, the police are trying again to find out.

Under Trump, Most Americans Lack Basic Knowledge to Understand Current Events, Study Finds

Only about a quarter (26 percent) of Americans can successfully name all three branches of government, with one-third of respondents unable to name a single branch, 27 percent who knew one branch and 13 percent who knew two.

Short film reveals the terrible history of No Irish Need Apply

A collage of newspaper ads showcases the evidence that the Irish faced discrimination in the 19th century.

What Happens When an Entire Campus Is Rooted in the Confederacy?

That's the question facing administrators as students return to campus across the South.

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